Commonly Asked Questions on Occupational diseases

Que. 1. What is the objective of ergonomics?

Ans. 1. To achieve best mutual adjustment of man and his work for the improvement of human efficiency & well-being.

Que. 2. Which are the types of interaction in an industrial working environment?

Ans. 2. The types of interaction in an industrial working environment are as follows –

  • Man to man
  • Man to physical, chemical & biological agents
  • Man & machine

Que. 3. Which are the important causes of industrial accidents?

Ans. 3. The important causes of industrial accidents are –

  • Upgraded machines
  • Protruding & moving parts
  • Poor plant installation
  • Lack of safety measures

Que. 4. Which are the different kinds of occupational hazards?

Ans. 4. The different kinds of occupational hazards are –

  • Physical hazards
  • Chemical hazards
  • Biological Hazards
  • Mechanical Hazards
  • Psychosocial Hazards

Que. 5. What are the effects of occupational heat exposure?

Ans. 5. The effects of occupational heat exposure are –

  1. Direct Effects – Burns, Heat exhaustion, heat stroke & heat cramps
  2. Indirect Effect – Decreased efficiency, Increased fatigue & high accident rates.

Que. 6. Which are the health hazards of exposure to cold?

Ans. 6. Chilblains, erythrocyanosis, Immersion foot, Hypothermia & Froast bite.

Que. 7. What are the health hazards of exposure to poor lighting?

Ans. 7. Eye strain, headache, eye pain, lacrimation, congestion around cornea, eye fatigue & Miner’s nystagmus.

Que. 8. What are the health hazards of exposure to noise?

Ans. 8. The health hazards of exposure to noise are –

  1. Auditory effects – Temporary or permanent hearing loss.
  2. Non-auditory effects – Nervousness, fatigue, interference in speech communication, Annoyance & decreased efficiency.

Que. 9. What are the effects of occupational exposure to vibration?

Ans. 9. White fingers & Injuries to joints, hands, elbows & shoulder.

Que. 10. What are the effects of occupational exposure to U-V radiation?

Ans. 10. Affects eyes causing intense conjunctivitis and keratitis (Welder’s Flash).

Que. 11. What are the health hazards of ionizing radiation exposure?

Ans. 11. Genetic change, malformations, cancer, leukemia, sterility and death.

Que. 12. Name the biological occupational hazards.

Ans. 12. Brucellosis, Leptospirosis, anthrax, Hydatidosis, Psittacosis, tetanus, encephalitis, fungal infections, Schistosomiasis etc.

Que. 13. Whether the psychosocial hazards arise from the worker’s failure to adopt to an alien psychosocial environment?

Ans. 13. True.

Que. 14. Which are the psychosocial occupational health hazards?

Ans. 14. Anxiety, Depression, Sickness Absenteeism, Drug abuse, Alcoholism etc.

Que. 15. Name the diseases caused by inorganic dusts.

Ans. 15.  Diseases caused by inorganic dusts are –

  • Coal dust —– Anthracosis
  • Silica dust —– Silicosis
  • Asbestos —— Asbestosis
  • Iron dust —— Siderosis

Que. 16. Name the diseases caused by organic dusts.

Ans. 16. Diseases caused by organic dusts are –

  • Cane sugar ——- Bagassosis
  • Cotton dust —— Byssinosis
  • Tobacco ———– Tobaccosis
  • Hay or grain dust —- Farmer’s lung

Que. 17. Name few occupational cancers.

Ans. 17. Cancer of skin, lung & urinary bladder.

Que. 18. What are the factors on which occupational exposure to dusts depend?

Ans. 18. Factors on which occupational exposure to dusts depend are as follows –

  • Chemical composition of dust
  • Fineness of dust particles
  • Concentration of dust in the air
  • Period of exposure
  • Health status of exposed workers

Que. 19. Write control measures of silicosis.

Ans. 19. The control measures of silicosis are as follows –

  • Rigorous dust control measures
  • Substitution
  • Complete enclosure
  • Isolation
  • Hydro blasting
  • Good house keeping
  • Personal protective measures
  • Regular physical checkups of workers

Que. 20. What are the preventive measures of Bagassosis?

Ans. 20. The preventive measures are –

  • Dust Control
  • Personal protection
  • Regular medical checkups
  • Bagasse control.

Que. 21. What are the ill effects of Asbestosis?

Ans. 21. Pulmonary fibrosis, Respiratory insufficiency, Carcinoma Bronchus, Mesothelioma, GIT cancers & Death.

Que. 22. What are the preventive measures for Asbestosis?

Ans. 22. The preventive measures are –

  • Use of safer type of asbestos
  • Substitution
  • Rigorous dust control
  • Periodic examination of workers
  • Continuing research

Que. 23. Name the common industries where lead is used.

Ans. 23. Storage batteries industries, glass manufacture, ship building, Rubber industry, Printing industry etc.

Que. 24. Which are the ill effects of inorganic lead exposure?

Ans. 24. Abdominal colic, constipation, loss of appetite, blue line on gums, stippling of RBCs, anemia, wrist drop & foot drop.

Que. 25. Which are the ill effects of organic lead exposure?

Ans. 25. Insomnia, headache, mental confusion & delirium.

Que. 26. Which is a useful screening test in lead poisoning?

Ans. 26. Coproporphyrin in urine.

Que. 27. Which is the characteristic histological feature of lead poisoning?

Ans. 27. Basophilic stippling of RBC.

Que. 28. Which are the industries where skin cancers are more common?

Ans. 28. Gas workers, coke oven workers, tar distillers, oil refiners, dye-stuff makers, road makers & in industries associated with the use of mineral oil, pitch, tar & related compounds.

Que. 29. Which are the industries associated with bladder cancer?

Ans. 29. Dyeing industry, rubber, gas and electric cable industries.

Que. 30. How will you control industrial cancers?

Ans. 30. Control measures are –

  • Elimination of industrial carcinogens
  • Medical examinations
  • Regular inspection of factories
  • Notification
  • Licensing of establishments
  • Personal Hygiene measures
  • Health Education

Que. 31. How will you prevent radiation hazards?

Ans. 31. One can prevent radiation hazards by –

  • Avoidance of inhalation, swallowing or direct contact with skin.
  • Use of shields in case of X-ray
  • Periodic health checkups
  • Suitable protective clothing
  • Adequate ventilation of work place
  • Not allowing pregnant women to work in such environment
  • Health Education

Que. 32. Name the zoonotic diseases common in agricultural workers.

Ans. 32. Brucellosis, anthrax, Q fever, Tetanus, Leptospirosis & bovine tuberculosis.

Que. 33. Name the respiratory diseases common in farmers due to occupational exposure.

Ans. 33. Byssinosis, Bagassosis, farmer’s lung & occupational asthma.

Que. 34. How will you prevent industrial accidents?

Ans. 34. Industrial accidents can be prevented by –

  • Adequate preplacement examination
  • Adequate job training
  • Continuing education
  • Ensuring safe working environment
  • Safety measures
  • Periodic surveys to find out hazards

Que. 35. What is the incidence of rate of sickness absenteeism?

Ans. 35. 8-10 days per head per year.

Que. 36. What measures will you take to reduce sickness-absenteeism?

Ans. 36. Measures are as follows –

  • Good factory management and practice
  • Adequate preplacement examination
  • Good human relations
  • Application of principles of ergonomics.

Que. 37. Name the environmental problems arising due to rapid industrialization.

Ans. 37. Substandard housing, Water & air pollution, unorganized & improper sewage disposal & soil pollution.

Que. 38. Name the social problems arising due to industrialization.

Ans. 38. Alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, prostitution, Increased divorce, breaking up of home, higher incidence of crime etc.

Que. 39. What is recommended standard in terms of cubic space per worker?

Ans. 39. 500 cubic feet space per worker.

Que. 40. What do you mean by substitution?

Ans. 40. Replacement of a harmful material with a harmless one, or one of lesser toxicity.

Que. 41. Name the laws pertaining to industries in India.

Ans. 41. Two important laws are –

  • The factories Act, 1948.
  • The ESI Act, 1948.

Que. 42. What is ESI Act, 1948?

Ans. 42. It is an important measure of social security and health insurance in the country.

Que. 43. What are the benefits to employees under ESI Act?

Ans. 43. The benefits of ESI act to employees are as follows –

  • Medical benefit
  • Sickness benefit
  • Maternity benefit
  • Disablement benefit
  • Dependent benefit
  • Funeral benefit
  • Rehabilitation allowances.


Que. 44. What does the term ergonomics mean?

Ans. 44. The term ergonomics means fitting the job to the worker.

Que. 45. What is the contribution of ergonomics in industrial health?

Ans. 45. Reduction in industrial accidents.

Que. 46. Which factors are responsible for degree of injury from exposure to noise?

Ans. 46. Degree of injury depends upon following factors –

  • Duration of exposure
  • Quantum of exposure
  • Individual susceptibility

Que. 47. Which are the most common dust inhalational diseases in India?

Ans. 47. Silicosis & anthracosis.

Que. 48. How many accidents in industry are said to be due to mechanical causes?

Ans. 48. About 10%.

Que. 49. What is the chest X ray appearance/finding in silicosis?

Ans. 49. X-ray chest shows snow storm appearance in lung fields.

Que. 50. Which pneumoconiosis is more prone to develop pulmonary tuberculosis?

Ans. 50. Silicosis.

Que. 51. Whether sputum in silico-tuberculosis show tubercle bacilli?

Ans. 51. Rarely show tubercle bacilli.

Que. 52. Which is the causative organism of Bagassosis?

Ans. 52. Caused by a thermophilic actinomycetes, Thermoactinomyces Sacchari.

Que. 53. Which is the causative organism of farmer’s lung?

Ans. 53. Caused by a thermophilic actinomycetes, namely Micropolyspora faeni.

Que. 54. Which is the greatest source of environmental lead?

Ans. 54. Gasoline.

Que. 55. Which level of Amino-levulinic acid in urine, indicate lead poisoning?

Ans. 55. If amino-levulinic acid in urine is 5 mg/L, it indicates lead poisoning.

Que. 56. Which type of cancers do contribute to the majority of occupational cancers?

Ans. 56. Skin cancers.

Que. 57. What are the most important causes of lung cancers in industry?

Ans. 57. Tobacco smoking, air pollution & occupational exposure.

Que. 58. Which is the predominant cause of cancer bladder?

Ans. 58. Aromatic amines.

Que. 59. What are the important causes of leukaemia?

Ans. 59. Exposure to benzol, roentgen rays and radioactive substances.

Que. 60. Which is a useful index in industry to access the state of health of worker?

Ans. 60. Sickness Absenteeism.

Que. 61. How many days lost in an industry are found to be due to accidental accidents?

Ans. 61. About 10%.

Que. 62. Under factories act, when industry should provide a canteen?

Ans. 62. When the number of employees exceed 250.

Que. 63. What is the norm of provision of sanitary convenience under factories act?

Ans. 63. At least one sanitary convenience for every 25 employees (male & female separate) for the first 100 employees and thereafter one for every 50.

Que. 64. What is the norm of posting of safety officer under factories act?

Ans. 64. When more than 1000 workers are employed.

Que. 65. What is the norm of cretches in every factory under factories act?

Ans. 65. If more than 30 female workers are employed.

Que. 66. What is the norm of posting of welfare officer under the factories act?

Ans. 66. When 500 or more workers are employed in a factory.

Que. 67. What is the coverage of ESI act?

Ans. 67. The ESI act covers all the employees getting up to RS. 15,000/- per month.

Que. 68. Which categories of workers are prohibited for the employment under the factories act?

Ans. 68. Children below the age of 14 years.


Suggested Further Readings –

  • Park; Park’s textbook of Preventive & Social Medicine, 26th edition, 2021
  • Bhalwar; textbook of Public health & Community Medicine, AFMC-WHO, 1st edition, 2009
  • Mahajan & Gupta; Textbook of Preventive & Social Medicine; 4th edition
  • AH Suryakantha; Community Medicine with Recent Advances, 3rd




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